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  • How to use Hand Tools to form those pesky window/windshield corners from Sheet Metal.

    How to use Hand Tools to form those pesky window/windshield corners from Sheet Metal.

    This is presented by Robert (MP&C). Robert is an expert in sheet metal fabrication and we are honored to have him write for us! Thanks Robert!

    This Article shows how to inexpensively effect a repair in one of those trouble spots, like windshield...
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    Last edited by Deve; 09-15-2020, 10:46 PM.

  • Sail to the USA in your 1950's Chevy Truck!

    Sail to the USA in your 1950's Chevy Truck!

    Note: As with all of the content on this website, you can simply click on any picture to get its largest size. In this way, we can maintain the clearest definition to make it easier for you to see the detail. If the picture is so big you can't see all of it on your screen, all you have to do is hold down CONTROL and move the mouse wheel up and down to resize!

    I was minding my own business one day in 2005 when I got a phone call from this English Bloke named Peter Spencer. Peter tells me he is from a movie producing company named PixWorks. I forget how he said he got my name, but he wanted to do a movie based on the real life Saga of Luis Grass and his attempt to float a 1951 Chevy 1-1/2 ton Truck from Cuba to the USA. Logo by my son Kelly at

    He went on to say that he was hoping for engineering expertise in duplicating this truck for the movie. I took his word for it because he sounded convincing enough and although we hadn't seen any money yet, I asked a few friends of mine if they would be interested in helping with this project. My team was made up of all engineers who got a kick out of the story and felt compelled to help. Right is the Engineering Team that never was. Left to Right: Deve Krehbiel, Stan Swartzendruber, Richard Swartzendruber, Gene Swartzendruber and Wayne Swartzendruber. In case you are wondering why we are so Swartzendruber heavy in this endeavor it's because those brothers (and son) are renowned in this area for their engineering expertise. You have to honor someone who defied the odds and went to these extremes for his family. So we were pretty excited about it. ...
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    Last edited by Deve; 09-15-2020, 09:31 PM.

  • Lazze's Work Holding Jig

    Lazze's Work Holding Jig

    This is the video I was talking about in the Shop Section of The Think Tank....
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