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3 on a tree trouble

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  • 3 on a tree trouble

    Hi guys, I´m new to the Forum and this is my first post. So far, for what I've been reading this is the best place to learn and ask for knowledge, so I´ll put you all to the test ;-).
    My brother and I have bought a 1952 Chevy 3100, straight 6cyl and we are having problems with the 3 speed column shift transmission.
    A previous owner have been messing around with the rods and Crank Bell and 2nd gear jumps when driving, we've been trying to go back to stock, but cant find any pics or diagrams to do so. On top of things, we are located in south america, so getting hold of parts is a little more difficult.
    So, I would love to see what the correct Rods and linkage look like, and if we can source them from another Chevy model. If there's any diagrams I would be delighted to see them.
    We would love to get this bad girl back to the road soon, so I thank you for reading this, Cheers!!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	141562676_3667895269997675_2161304760293318272_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_eui2=AeF6Ku4ODHvmMbQL05i-SKq4LagfOky9eTEtqB86TL15MdINuWC9z2bgdJi2ZPUms1I&_nc_ohc=8GMaBMBgC5EAX_C7OdN&_nc_ht=scontent.fmvd2-1.fna&oh=f8fda3a
Views:	93
Size:	518.7 KB
ID:	4416
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  • #2
    Looks like a really fun ride! There are lots of tech tips on this forum and even more on the main site for you to enjoy. This site does not get a lot of traffic and that particular issue as well as many others not covered here can be found on Join the forums there and you will find others that will share their ideas on how to get that problem solved. I personally do not like three on the tree, so I converted mine to floor shift. It IS possible to have a nice smooth shifting experience with the column shifter usually by going through the gearbox and putting new bushings on the shafts. Good luck on your project!
    Deve Krehbiel


    • #3
      Sorry can't help on the shifting...but that bed is different, with bar down the side under the rail. Is that a cargo rack to tie to? BTW a very sharp looking ride.

