I received the water pump adapter plate today and temporarily bolted it onto my block and noticed that the top two holes to be drilled will have a gap of about an 1/8" between the block and the plate. I thought perhaps I had the wrong part until I re-read Deve's article that states not to over tighten these bolts or you could warp the plate. Has anyone made spacers to fill the gap so the bolts could be tightened? Seems like asking for trouble if the plate is warped ever so slightly would effect the water pump seal. I also see that on the left side (looking at the plate) the hole to be drilled and tapped will have a bit of the edge of it on the transition area from the block butted up against the plate to the area that is about an 1/8" away from the plate which could make drilling and tapping the hole difficult.
Any comments from folks who have done this would be very much appreciated.
Any comments from folks who have done this would be very much appreciated.